My latest work

Here you can see what I’m up to lately and what I’m capable of. The knives you can see here are mostly for reference and used by me or already sold. If you want your own handmade knife check out the „customize a knife“ site

The knife presentation

The first impression is very important. So if you buy a knife made by me, you will get a good one! A sturdy wooden box provides a good amount of protection and makes for a nice reveal when receiving the knife. The size of the box depends on the size and amount of knives.

The NEW knife certificate

Now coming with every knife, the certificate of autheticity. The old one got completley reworked by a professional graphics designer and it incoorporates every important fact about the knife and comes with care instructions customized for the used materials.

The BIG project


My first full sized two handed sword with a tight fuller running all the way down the blade polished to a mirror finish! GLAMDRING really pushed me above and beyond my capabilities and I learned so much during the process of making it.

You can watch the full process of making and testing it HERE on my YouTube channel

The smaller BIG project


2023 I built a sharp replica of ORCRIST, the sword made by WETA-Workshop and used in „The Hobbit“ movies. It is an absolutley mean cutter and razor sharp.

You can watch the full process of making and testing it HERE on my YouTube channel

The Chef’s-knife

The Allrounder

In the past I made my Chef’s knives a bit smaller but as of late I switched it up to these 24cm giants. They just feel so much more natural while chopping and with the thickness of under 2mm they are still super light and balanced so they put no strain on the wrist even during long cooking sessions.

The Utility-knife

The knife that can do it all

A 15cm Utility knife with an epoxy hybrid handle. With this knife you can do pretty much anything in the kitchen some things maybe not optimal but it gets the job done with the short low profile super sharp blade it gets into small corners and through everything you can throw at it in the kitchen.

The Carving-knife

The Meat-knife

The Carving-knife with it’s low profile is the perfect meat cutter because of the low resistance and long edge so every cut can be made in one stride while disturbing the meat as minimal as possible. This piece is made from VG10 stainless damascus steel with a very deep etch. The handle is made from ebony and I integrated a malachite in there as well.

The Santoku

The Push-Cutter

A 19cm Santoku knife with a epoxy and olive wood hybrid octagonal hidden tang handle. Perfect for chopping through vegetables with a pushing style of cutting. This is beneffited by the very high blade and nearly straight cutting edge profile.

The Kritisuke

The tipped Push-Cutter

All the benefits of the near straight cutting edge and the high profile from the Santoku are combined with a very pointy tip in the Kritisuke. This knife was made by a customer under my supervision and the handle incoorperates vine wood from the customers garden.

The serated knife

The bread knife

The serated blade helps with sawing through thick crusted bread without mashing it.

The Vietnamese Rocker

rockin all day long

A 15cm vietnamese rocking knife with a epoxy/wood hybrid handle that encorporates some honeycomb aluminum. With it’s rather unique shape this knife is perfect for a rocking cutting motion.

The Strange ones

And then there are the super strange knives wich are highly specialized like this noodlecleaver used to cut folded sheets of pasta dough.

The Fantasy Blades

I always love to push myself beyond what I thought would be possible for me to make. A project like Frodos Sword „Sting“ from the Lord of the Rings movies helps me to push those limits and helps me with getting a better feel for my tools wich also translates into my other a lot simpler pieces.

Check out all of my knife builds on my Instagram